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  • Writer's pictureFirdausi Jannah


You are different?

So what?

Being different is good?

It makes you unique.

You just have to own it.

See we live in a world where people look at you and criticize you for every single thing you do. Let me tell you they're doing that because they are jobless. Some people seriously need to get a life and stop judging others.They need to look at their selves first, they're no better than you.

See, if anyone ever judge you for being different just smile and say, "It's okay. Being different makes me someone you'll never be".

People will criticize you for everything you do no matter how hard you try so you should really not. You see, you can't satisfy everyone. It's just that no matter how good you are, someone will definitely see a fault in you.

Especially the ladies, sometimes women astonish me greatly. How can you watch a fellow sister and instead of seeing the good in her you start listing out the fault?

Oh maybe her bag is so last season,she has once taken a picture with this outfit, her makeup is not good, she looks really ugly, her style is all wrong and so many other nonsense we say.

You are no better! Have you ever took a look at yourself and realize that YOU have faults too?

See nobody is perfect so it's really unfair to keep criticizing someone.

Personally, I've been through this and i doubt if there's any lady that hasn't been through this. The thing is that it will never stop no matter what you do.

The only solution is to own it.

Don't try to change yourself for anyone.

You are good just the way you are.

You weren't born to satisfy any of them were you? For as far as I'm concerned it's YOUR life not theirs so you really shouldn't let anyone dictate it for you.

You are beautiful. You're unique. You are different! Embrace it.

Love, Jannah.

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